The Fresh Feed

News, views, and advice on cat and dog wellness, nutrition, and health, plus what’s going on in the pet food industry.

Dogs, Food, Pets, Wild Boar

Protein Spotlight: Wild Boar

At Shine Pet Food: We sustainably source wild boar for our Gently Cooked Dog Recipe from the southwest United States, where they live a truly free-range lifestyle. Texas, for example, is overrun with wild boar and has a program to cut their numbers that involves large cages that trap the animals. They are then taken to a USDA-inspected slaughterhouse, where they are processed as domesticated hogs would be. Our source, D'Artagnan, partners with experienced trappers in Texas to provide the best wild boar meat on the hoof. The Benefits: Wild boar meat is similar to pork, but there are a...

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